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电帘除尘技术的研究现状   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
微尘作为影响探月工程和火星计划成败的一个因素,已经越来越多地引起人们的重视。而电帘除尘技术作为月球和火星探测有效的除尘技术之一,也得到广泛的关注。文章在调研相关文献的基础上,阐述了目前国外电帘除尘技术的研究现状,提出了开展研究工作的建议,对发展我国电帘除尘技术具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
NASA’s Stardust mission collected dust from the coma of Comet Wild-2 on January 2nd, 2004, by direct capture into aerogel cells that flew through the dust coma at ∼6 km/s. Stardust collected several hundred comet particles >10 μm in size. These comet samples were delivered to Earth on January 15th, 2006. We developed a facility at the National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National Laboratory (Upton, NY, USA) for the in-situ characterization of ∼10 μm particles collected in aerogel. These analytical instruments allow us to perform extensive chemical, mineralogical, and size-frequency characterization of particles captured in aerogel. These analyses are conducted without any invasive extraction, minimizing the possibility of contamination or particle loss during preparation. This facility was used to determine the chemical composition, the oxidation state, the mineralogy and to provide an indication of the grain size of the Wild-2 particles before they were removed from the aerogel. This information provides a catalog of particle types, allowing a more reasoned allocation of the particles to subsequent investigators based on a relatively detailed knowledge of the chemical composition and mineralogy of each particle. These measurements allowed a comparison of the chemical and mineralogical properties of the Wild-2 particles with other types of extraterrestrial materials, including interplanetary dust particles and meteorites. The success of in-situ analysis for Wild 2 particles demonstrates that synchrotron-based facilities will be important for the analysis of particles collected in aerogel on future earth-orbiting satellites and spacecraft.  相似文献   
We have statistically investigated the infrared luminosity of clusters of galaxies in comparison with the known tracers of the cluster mass like the X-ray luminosity and the cluster richness (e.g. the number of member galaxies). Our results show that there is a clear positive correlation of the infrared luminosity with the cluster mass. Quantitatively speaking, the infrared luminosity is on average 20 times higher than the X-ray luminosity. Moreover, the infrared luminosity increases with the redshift. This probably shows that a major part of this infrared luminosity is due to star formation in the member galaxies. Another possible contribution would be the thermal emission from dust particles in the diffuse intracluster medium. However our method does not allow us to infer conclusions about this second hypothesis. Depending on their size and abundance, such particles would contribute to the infrared luminosity of galaxy cluster and have an impact on the cooling function of the baryons and thus on the formation of the large scale structures. This is an important cosmological question which still remains open.  相似文献   
模拟月尘对巡视器车轮轮轴材料的磨损试验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
文章以CE-3巡视器车轮轮轴为研究对象,利用北京卫星环境工程研究所的月尘环境模拟器、摩擦磨损试验机以及自行研制的模拟月尘,对车轮轮轴主要材料进行了磨损试验研究。试验样品为轮轴常用的铝合金、聚四氟乙烯及轴承钢。文章分析了试验前后样品的表面形貌,采用测试系统获得了轮轴材料在不同试验条件下的摩擦系数曲线,采用电子天平测量了材料的质量损失;分析了真空、大气、有无月尘等试验条件以及材料本身在磨损试验中的效应。研究结果可为月面巡视器等月面应用设备的研制提供可借鉴的信息。  相似文献   
空间粉尘探测器研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章在系统地总结空间粉尘(微小空间碎片和微流星体)探测技术的基础上,重点分析了压电型探测器、半导体型探测器、电离型探测器、组合式探测器等的工作原理、技术特点及其应用,同时简要评述了空间粉尘探测技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   
航天器在轨服役期间会遭受到大量的微陨石及空间微小碎片撞击作用。这些微陨石和空间微小碎片可能吸附在航天器光学玻璃表面,也可能与光学玻璃表面碰撞产生陷坑等缺陷。文章采用爆炸式粉尘加速器加速微米级铝粉末撞击K8光学玻璃,在玻璃表面产生大量碰撞陷坑形成砂蚀磨损现象,利用CΦ-46型分光计测量光学玻璃的透过率。结果表明,光学玻璃磨损区域的透过率明显下降。透过率下降程度与陷坑数量成比例。通过对单个陷坑的计算,当陷坑深度大于或等于一个粒子直径时,光线衰减程度达到最大。  相似文献   
为确保聚碳硅烷粉尘作业安全,避免发生火灾爆炸事故,本文按照相应国家测试标准,采用标准测试仪器,对聚碳硅烷粉尘的最小点火能、最低着火温度、爆炸下限浓度3个火灾爆炸特性参数进行了测试。结果表明:聚碳硅烷粉尘最小点火能1. 5 mJEmin2 mJ,最低着火温度MIT=320℃,爆炸下限浓度12 g/m3Cmin13 g/m3。结合常见涉爆粉尘火灾爆炸特性参数范围比对分析,结果表明:聚碳硅烷粉尘最低着火温度和最小点火能均较低、爆炸下限浓度也小,说明该粉尘极易被引爆,安全风险较高。  相似文献   
含异质元素Al的SiC(N)陶瓷前驱体的合成是制备高性能耐高温SiC纤维的关键步骤。本文综述了含异质元素Al的SiC(N)陶瓷前驱体的合成方法与表征结果及Al元素在陶瓷产物中的作用;并简要介绍了含Al的SiC(N)陶瓷前驱体应用,并对发展趋势和应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
We report dusty photo-ionization models for two Planetary Nebulae NGC 2452 and IC 2003, which have [WR] type central stars, using 1D photo-ionization code Cloudy17.02. We used the medium resolution optical spectra and archival IRAS photometry to constrain our models. The physical size of the ionized nebula derived using accurate distance measurements and absolute Hβ flux available in the literature were used as additional constrains. We examine the importance of photo-electric heating and found that models with and without considering photo-electric heating do not make significant difference for both PNe for the MRN grain size distribution considered in this study. We derive the nebular elemental abundances of these PNe by the empirical method as well as by making dusty photo-ionization models. The values of N/O ratios for both PNe obtained from our models are lower than their respective values arrived using empirical methods. The central stars are assumed to be black bodies and the photospheric temperatures derived respectively for NGC 2452 and IC 2003 from their best fit models are 182 kK and 155 kK and their respective luminosities are 630L and 1015L. We propose that both the PNe were resulted from low-mass progenitors of mass ?2.8 M.  相似文献   
针对“天问一号”火星探测器“祝融号”火星车的探测通信任务需求,提出了一种X频段轻小型宽频圆极化反射面天线。该反射面天线采用了新型一体化紧凑馈源技术,实现馈源长度和口径减小20%的同时提高了反射面天线的口径效率,抵挡了火星的尘埃影响。经过对馈源进行的仿真优化,最终实测结果表明,该天线在7.1~8.4GHz内口径效率可达62.3%,在深空探测的工作频带范围内具有较好的增益、驻波和圆极化特性,该天线已成功应用于“天问一号”火星探测器“祝融号”火星车。  相似文献   
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